Code examples

These guidelines also cohere with the other themes, so the examples will also return in the other themes.

MVP Login

This is a login form with an empty database. So you cannot login without creating a user in the add user form. Whenever you have successfully created a user. You can use this user to login. If the password is correct, you will go to the greeting page. On this page you will be personally greeted, and you can view the other users from the database.


This application performs a GET Request from this url: This is a JSON file containing multiple fake employees with their salaries. Whenever this request is again and within 5 seconds, it returns these employees from the cache.

Architecture Example

This application is a note list or TODO list. On the frontpage all the notes can be seen. Clicking on the plus button takes you to the add note form. Where you can create your new note. Whenever the new note is added, the notelist is automatically updated.

RxJavaRetrofitGithub Example

This applicaton uses RxJava and performs multiple requests from my github page. And retrieves the contributors from each repository and shows for each contributor the amount of contributions in that repository.